Mario Pérez was one of the main characters on Netflix's original series, Cable Girls and was the main antagonist on Season 1. He was portrayed by Sergio Mur.
Mario was the husband of Ángeles Vidal as well as the father of Sofia. He was the new chief technician for the National Telephone Company. Mario was very abusive towards his wife, Angeles, and this ultimately led to his death at the hands of his wife in self-defense.
Mario is Angeles’ husband. He pressures Angeles to leave her job to become a stay at home mother and depend on him to take care of her. He is caught by Marga Suárez being unfaithful to Angeles with Carolina and Angeles confirms this by telling Carolina that she suspects Mario’s affair with another operator and is concerned about being pregnant. Carolina tells Mario and he confronts Angeles and apologizes—confirming her suspicions.
At a party, Carolina tells Angeles that she isn’t the only one he’s cheated with but that he always goes back to Angeles. Despite knowing this Angeles stays with Mario since it turns out she really is pregnant and afraid of raising their children alone. His abuse turns physical. She ends up losing her child and tries running away with her daughter. When she is unable to escape him, she tries to slowly poison him.
He starts off as seemingly charming and friendly. However, this is revealed to be a mask, behind which a serial womaniser lurks. Furthermore, he later physically abuses Angeles, his wife, and expects her to leave her job for him, a job which she loves dearly. His only reason for this is that "he doesn't want a stranger looking after his baby", however, it is obvious to the audience that the real reason he wants Angeles to leave her job is because he is threatened by the freedom it gives her, a woman. His relationship suffers with his volatile temper, but it’s when his wife starts to poison him in cold blood that his cool exterior starts to unravel, and he shows his vulnerable side.
Ángeles Vidal[]
The relationship between Ángeles and Mario was easily defined as an unhappy marriage. Mario was abusive towards his wife and constantly abused her when he felt she disobeyed him, even though she was pregnant with their child. He was also cheating on his wife with Carolina Moreno.